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Visible Gold Mines vor dem Sprung auf ein neues Level?

Die Experten von BullMarketRun haben sich erneut mit den Aussichten für den kanadischen Goldexplorer Visible Gold Mines (WKN A0MXJQ) beschäftigt und sehen gleich zwei potenzielle Auslöser für einen erheblichen Anstieg der Aktie schon in naher Zukunft: Die Entstehung des Wasamac Gold-Camps und die mögliche Wiederentdeckung des Joutel-Bergbaudistrikts.

Nach Ansicht von BullMarketRun, einer auf den Goldsektor und Sondersituationen bei Goldexplorern Website, könnte die Entwicklung an beiden Fronten sehr schnell an Schwung gewinnen. Denn von Visibles Wasa Creek-Liegenschaft, auf der Anfang August eine mögliche neue Entdeckung gemacht worden sei, stünden schon in Kürze weitere Ergebnisse an. Und die Bohrungen auf der Liegenschaft Joutel Extension, die Visible im Joint Venture mit dem Branchengiganten Agnico-Eagle Mines betreibt, dürften die Bohrungen schon in wenigen Tagen beginnen, glaubt man.

Neben den viel versprechenden Projekten betrachtet BullMarketRun aber auch die Explorationsexpertise des Unternehmens als großen Pluspunkt. Besonders Visble Golds Geologe Robert Sansfacon konnte die Experten im Gespräch überzeugen. Ihrer Meinung nach ist er einer der besten Geologen der Branche –, der seine Karriere mit einem weiteren großen Fund beschließen wolle. Sanfacons Neuinterpretation des Canadian Malartic-Projekts habe beispielsweise Osisko Mining geholfen, einen der größten Goldfunde in der Geschichte Kanadas zu machen. Sein Verständnis geologischer Strukturen sei "phänomenal", weshalb Agnico-Eagle Mines ihm das Joutel-Projekt anvertraut habe.

Wir haben Ihnen den vollständigen Artikel von BullMarketRun zu Ihrer Information im englischen Original beigefügt und könne die Lektüre des Artikels nur wärmstens empfehlen.



Northwest Quebec is unquestionably one of the hottest addresses on the entire planet for Gold exploration and mining. In the parlance of the prospectors, it’s Big Elephant Country. And it’s Super Big Elephant Country when Gold is trading where it is now, within shouting distance of $2,000 an ounce. That’s why BMR is making another visit to this incredible area, in the very near future, to uncover some potential home run opportunities the general market hasn’t caught on to yet.

One of those is Visible Gold Mines, "VGD” on the TSX Venture Exchange (it also trades on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol "3VR”). There are two major developments involving Visible Gold Mines at the moment and each holds the potential of lifting this young company with a paltry $14.75 million (CDN) market cap to a whole new level: The emergence of the Wasamac Gold camp, and the possible re-emergence of the Joutel mining camp. Momentum could build very quickly on both of these fronts with more assays pending from Visible Gold Mines’ Wasa Creek Property, where a potential new discovery was announced August 11, and drilling getting set to start at the Joutel Extension Property.

More on each of those special situations in a moment. First, let me quickly introduce you to Robert Sansfacon because he’s a very important part of the Visible Gold Mines equation.

I first met Robert last winter in the historic mining community of Rouyn-Noranda during a previous BMR due diligence visit. Prior to meeting him, I had been told that this veteran geologist is one of Quebec’s finest. Fortunately, his English is a lot better than my French and we had a fascinating two-hour discussion over lunch about mining and exploration. He’s a humble man but really commands one’s attention. He speaks thoughtfully but with passion and authority. After that meeting, I was convinced – and I’m now even more convinced – that I had indeed stumbled upon one of the brightest geologists in the business who’s determined to cap his career with another big discovery.

Sansfacon honed his skills for many years as a project manager for Lac Minerals and his reinterpretation of Canadian Malartic helped Osisko Mining (OSK, TSX) make one of the biggest Gold discoveries in Canadian history. His understanding of geological structure is phenomenal which is why Agnico-Eagle Mines (AEM, TSX) is trusting him with the Joutel Project that VGD is earning an interest in from the major.

Sansfacon is Visible Gold Mines’ senior geologist who knows every fault system in northwest Quebec and probably every bush like the back of his hand. He can almost smell the Gold in a rock. Another geologist who has learned immensely from Sansfacon in the past is Jeannot Theberge who left another company earlier this year to join the Visible Gold Mines’ exploration team, now one of the largest in the Rouyn-Noranda region.

Which brings us to today.

As a matter of disclosure, I am a significant shareholder in Visible Gold Mines and just recently, after hole LBWC-11-03 was announced at Wasa Creek, I increased my position by another 50%. I’m convinced Gold is ultimately going to hit $3,000 or more and that means exploration companies who are successful in finding significant deposits could skyrocket in value. Small, medium and major producers looking to add ounces to their production profiles are going to scoop up juniors like never before.


Visible Gold Mines is aggressively drilling the immediate area surrounding Richmont Mines’ growing Wasamac deposit which is just off the main highway leading into Rouyn-Noranda from the west (about 15 kilometres from the city). Mark our words, and we’ll explain why in more detail during our upcoming visit to the area, but Wasamac is one of the best-kept Gold secrets in northwest Quebec right now. The story of Wasamac and the strong potential for a multi-million ounce deposit there has been flying under the radar of most investors for the last year. That is likely about to change which is why we were almost screaming at our readers from the rooftop recently when Richmont was trading around $7 a share. Last week it got as high as $9.72. Richmont, which trades on the TSX and the AMEX under the symbol "RIC”, is expected to provide a major exploration update on Wasamac any day now.

Visible Gold Mines borders the Wasamac Property to the east, the south and the west through an option agreement completed last December with Cadillac Mining (CQX, TSX-V). This general area is geologically highly prospective and the former Wasamac Mine produced produced 250,000 ounces of gold between 1965 and 1971. Record-high Gold prices encouraged Richmont to re-visit Wasamac in the spring of last year and drilling to date has shown that what was mined in the 60’s was likely only a fraction of the Gold that is actually there.

On August 11, VGD’s share price jumped 26% when it announced that several zones of Gold mineralization were hit on its very first hole (LBWC-11-03) at Wasa Creek, a previously unexplored area. The hole was collared about 450 metres north of the prolific Cadillac Fault, which runs right underneath the middle of the Wasa Creek Property. Significantly, drilling intersected a 16.4-metre section with a close coexistence of Gold and pyrite in a disseminated shear zone, similar to the style of mineralization at Wasamac.

What’s particularly interesting is that Visible Gold Mines had virtually nothing to go on when they planned the first hole at Wasa Creek – historical exploration in this area has, surprisingly, been almost non-existent. The hole featured several zones of mineralization at different depths, including some high-grade, in addition to "many sections” of anomalous Gold mineralization which clearly suggests they could be at the edge of something much more significant. VGD now has a trail – they just need to follow it.

Visible Gold Mines announced August 16 that nine holes have been completed at Wasa Creek (assay results are yet to come on eight of them) and aggressive drilling continues.

Two drill rigs are concentrating on the area around LBWC-11-03 with 50-metre step-out holes and a "wall” of holes to the east in a north-south direction for 1.5 kilometres crossing the Cadillac Fault.

But the story gets even more interesting.

Drill targets are being finalized at Wasa East which also looks very intriguing. The VGD geological team, which we have a tremendous degree of confidence in as we’ve already outlined, sees a possible connection between the Wasa Shear Zone and the Cadillac Fault which are on either side of Wasa East. It seems some secondary faults are present which bodes well for the potential discovery of mineralization on that property. Here’s an important quote from the August 11 news release:

"Geophysical anomalies indicate there could be many parallel zones to the Wasa shear and the Cadillac fault, and ground surveys show the presence of a fault suggesting a direction which can connect both gold-bearing systems. Historically, very little exploration work has been carried out at Wasa East, and the company is looking forward to testing the potential of this area.”

Wasamac is going to be one of the most important stories along the Cadillac Trend for many, many months and Visible Gold Mines is in the heart of the action. I suspect they’re trying to get their hands on even more ground in the area.


Everyone knows that Agnico-Eagle is one of the world’s most famous mining companies. What few people know, however, is that Joutel actually gave birth to AEM several decades ago and that this property, or an extension of it, could become a company-maker for Visible Gold Mines if Sansfacon’s theory regarding Joutel proves correct.

Sansfacon has prepared a major Phase 1 drill program at Joutel, set to begin very soon, that will test his structural interpretation of a northwest-southeast mineralized pattern at Joutel that appears to strike directly southeast of Agnico-Eagle’s three past producing mines for a distance of perhaps several kilometres. There’s even talk that the former town of Joutel may actually have been built right on top of a deposit. Nothing exists in that old town anymore, so this previously unexplored land is free to drill at Sansfacon’s pleasure.

It wouldn’t be the first time, of course, that a town was built on top of a Gold deposit that nobody knew about at the time.

As the saying goes, the best place to find a new mine is near an old mine. There are five former mines – one open-pit Gold and two underground Gold, and two copper mines – within just a few kilometres northwest and southwest of the Joutel Extension Property, respectively.

Looking at the Joutel maps, it’s hard to imagine there aren’t more deposits in that area. If there are, Sansfacon will find them.


Visible Gold Mines has an expert in Sansfacon to correctly identify and interpret mineralized structural patterns. At BMR, we have who we consider to be our own expert when it comes to interpreting a stock’s chart patterns. VGD has exhibited very bullish technical behavior in recent weeks, despite the market volatility we’ve seen, and John provided an update on the VGD chart this morning at www.BullMarketRun.com. Be sure to check it out. The stock closed last Friday at 31 cents, three pennies above its rising 50-day moving average (SMA). It has momentum.

By aggressively drilling in "Elephant Country” with a top-notch geological crew, Visible Gold Mines has a real opportunity to emerge very quickly as a major player in Gold exploration in Quebec. The Wasamac and Joutel areas are geological "hot spots” that the investment world hasn’t yet discovered. But we have. And we’ve uncovered hidden gems like VGD before that have turned into 10-baggers.

Visible Gold Mines has just 47.5 million shares outstanding, $6.0 million in working capital, and all the human capital it needs to become a leader in the Great Northwest Quebec Gold Rush.

Jon Patrick



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